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I hate filing. I mean I really hate filing.

I hate filing. I mean I really hate filing. I put it off as long as possible until I’m forced to do it. As you can see from the photo, I’m at the tipping point. Literally, the tipping point. If I put one more thing on the desk everything is going to tip over onto the floor. If I did the filing when I’m supposed to I’d only be dealing with a few items or pieces of paper. I’m creating an unnecessary problem for myself. After I’ve had to do a major cleaning I always promise myself I’ll do better and put things away when they need to be, but each time I get busy and it’s easier to stack things in a pile until I’m ready to deal with it which never seems to happen and soon I’m in the same situation I’m in now. It’s already the end of February in a new year and I’m bound and determined to learn from my past mistakes. Each day I will file five items, just five and no more.  This way I’ll break up the task into small chunks and it will only take a few minutes to complete.  I’m going to see if this principle will would in other parts of my life. I’ll let you know how I’m doing.

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