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A Second Chance

A Second Chance

Book 1: Love Through Time Series

Can a person learn to live and love again?

A single moment changed Jessica Winters’ life forever… a drunken driver crossed over the centerline and stole the lives of her husband and her little boy. Now, she is trying to find meaning in her life, and she has immersed herself into the world of journalism. While on her way to cover a story, she swerves to miss a deer, and loses control of her car.

When she awakens, everything has changed—even the century.

Captain Harlan Jefferson Baylor had found Jessica, unconscious and, to his eye, half-dressed, and he had taken her to the only person he thought would offer help: the local madam. But he’s intrigued by her, and it’s the first time that’s happened since his wife and child died during the Civil War.

With Harley’s help, Jessica must piece together a new life in the rough, antiquated town. She soon realizes that he not only holds the key to her return to her former life, but he may also hold the key to her heart.

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