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The Seeds of Change

The Seeds of Change

Book 2: A New Frontier Series

The last thing Dexter Thompson expected was to get a field promotion from being a member of the ship’s construction crew to the ship’s ambassador. When the Halcyon crash lands on Planet Kao, he’s the first one to interact with the aliens who show up to help. The blue haired beauty, who led the delegation, haunts his thoughts and dreams. Is it possible for them to have a future together?

Laize never believed in the prophesy that a new species was coming to their galaxy. She didn’t believe until the day when a ship dropped from ski and landed at the base of Mount Denair. When the Council sends her to be their emissary, she’s surprised by the size of the ship and the humans inside. She’s even more surprised to find the handsome human ambassador is slowly melting her frozen heart.

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