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The List of One Thing

I decided that my theme for this year is organization and planning. It’s January and miserable outside. This makes it a perfect time to look and determine the projects I want to complete. Like many people, I have some large projects and smaller ones. I want to clean out my closet. I really need to sort out my pantry. I [...]

Resolutions and Goals

The start of a new year is a time for lots of us to make resolutions and set new goals for the coming year. Some people set a goal of losing weight or make a resolution to watch less television. Whatever it is you want to change about yourself, the beginning of the year is a good place to start. [...]


Appelflappen (Dutch Apple Fritters) Growing up, my family had the tradition of having Dutch Appelflap on New Year’s Day. They are absolutely delicious. Ingredients: 2 cups all-purpose flour ½ teaspoon salt 12 oz. cold beer (not dark) 1/2 cup soft brown sugar 4 tablespoons clear honey 2 tablespoons concentrated lemon juice 1 cup water 10 cups vegetable oil 5 - [...]

A New Frontier

I grew up reading lots of science fiction books from authors like Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, and Larry Niven.  I loved Star Wars and science fiction television shows, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, Farscape, and Babylon 5.  Anytime a new science fiction show comes on television, I’m sitting in front of my set watching all the fascinating [...]

I hate filing. I mean I really hate filing.

I hate filing. I mean I really hate filing. I put it off as long as possible until I’m forced to do it. As you can see from the photo, I’m at the tipping point. Literally, the tipping point. If I put one more thing on the desk everything is going to tip over onto the floor. If I did [...]

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